Junior Secondary Years 7-9
The junior secondary school works hard to continue to offer a range of subjects that will engage, stimulate, provide opportunities to discover new knowledge and skills and ultimately provide a broad base of experiences that will lead to a distillation of students’ subject choice in their area of interests and expertise as they progress from years 7 to 10.
In year 7 subject offerings are designed to be broad and inclusive of many skills and activities that students may not have experienced in primary school. Years 8 and 9 allow students to choose subjects that they have an increased interest in and helps students start to narrow their interests in preparation for year 10.
Our year 10 subject selections are designed to prepare students for what they might experience in year 11 and 12. They are designed to further refine students’ interests as well as prepare students for the different learning pathways that senior schooling have to offer, whether it be an ATAR/university pathway or vocational courses and work.

Melenie Urquhart Sally Hammett
Deputy Principal Deputy Principal