New Enrolments
To enrol a student at the Diverse Learning Centre please call (07) 4078 0336 to make an appointment with the Associate Principal.
HIGH SCHOOL at the College
Enrolment appointments can be made for the High School by contacting the associated Head of Year through their email as listed on the "Our Staff" page of this website or by contacting the school office on (07) 4078 0222.
An enrolment pack can be collected from the school office or alternatively you can use the following links to access the forms required.
The following forms need to be completed and submitted at the enrolment interview. Please also ensure you bring along the students birth certificate.
Other important documents & information:
Please Note *** Year 6 students and their parents moving from a state primary to secondary school will have in school enrolment interviews with the Junior Secondary Deputy and Heads of Year in term 3. The college will be in contact with the primary schools in regards to upcoming enrolment interviews and school orientation days. If you miss or are unable to attend the set enrolment day please call the school on 4078 0222 to arrange an enrolment interview.
Non-state school year 7 enrolments
Any student enrolling from outside the schools are encouraged to contact Innisfail State College to arrange an interview time with a member of the Junior Secondary Team. Enrolment packages can be collected from the college office during business hours.