Executive Team
| Ms Tanya Martin
| principal@innisfailsc.eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0222
Deputy Principal - Junior Schooling
| Mrs Sally Hammett
| sgham0@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0202
Deputy Principal - Senior Schooling
| Mrs Connie Medley
| cmedl10@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0233
Deputy Principal - Inclusion & Wellbeing
| Ms Donna Curzon
| ddarv1@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0207
Heads of Department - Curriculum Areas
English and Junior Humanities
| Mrs Sarah Maley
| samon0@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0252
Mathematics and Digital Technology
| Mrs Cindy Saunders
| csaun41@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0329
Hospitality, Industrial Technology & Design and LOTE
| Mr Dan Korger
| dkorg1@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0332
| Mr Joel Saunders
| jsaun175@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0331
Health & Physical Education and Psychology
| Ms Mel Urquhart
| murqu11@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0254
The Arts and Senior Humanities
| Mrs Rebecca Topp
| btopp12@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0312
To contact any of our teaching staff, please click on the
staff email list link to access staff email addresses, otherwise please call the College on 07 4078 0222 and your call will be directed to the desired staff member.
Junior Schooling
Deputy Principal - Junior Schooling
| Mrs Sally Hammett
| sgham0@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0202
Head of Department - Year 8 & 9
| Mr Damian McAvoy
| dmcav4eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0208
Head of Department - Year 7 & 9
| Mr Shane Thackeray
| sthac4@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0246
Head of Department - Canecutter Cluster
| Mr Matthew Sharrock
| mshar36@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0201
Guidance Officer - Year 7-9
| Ms Lyn Gardiner
| lgard46@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0253
Senior Schooling
Deputy Principal - Senior Schooling
| Mrs Connie Medley
| cmedl10@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0233
Head of Department - Year 11 & 12
| Mrs Emma Haren
(07) 4078 0215
Head of Department - Year 10 Guidance Officer - Year10
| Mr Shane Rossi Mr Prags Kalli
| sross204@eq.edu.au
| (07)4078 0204
(07) 4078 0209
Inclusion & Wellbeing
Deputy Principal - Inclusion & Wellbeing
| Ms Donna Curzon
| ddarv1@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0207
Head of Department - Inclusive Practices
| Mr Kurt Thaggard
| kthag1@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0245
Learning & Student Support
Community Education Counsellor
| Mr Ian Willmett
| iwill124@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0205
Transitional Pathways Officer
| Mrs Lisa Sue-San
| lsues0@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0213
Youth Support Coordinator - Junior
| Miss Dempsey Hastie
| dhast0@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0248
Youth Support Coordinator - Senior
| Mr Peter Dickie
| pdick19@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0247
Vocational Education & Training Officer
| Ms Colleen Morrison
| cmorr127@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0297
Work Experience & Student Management Coordinators
| Ms Wendy Mead
| wmead3@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0235
Ms Kelly Sharman
| kshar131@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0235
School Based Youth Health Nurse (Mon & Wed)
| Mrs Jenny Hall
| jhall381@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0206
Administration & IT
Business Services Manager
| Mrs Alana Robertson
| arobe96@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0210
Engagement Officer
| Mrs Jodie McAvoy
| jmcav12@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0244
Digital Media Coordinator
| Mrs Michelle Millard
| mmill616@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0240
School Newsletter Coordinator
| Mrs Michelle Millard
| mmill616@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0240
TAFE at School
TAFE at School - Engagement Officer
| Mrs Lisa Laffin
| lisa.laffin@tafeqld.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0251
TAFE at School - Administration Officer
| Mrs Annette Lyons
| annette.lyons@tafeqld.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0391
Diverse Learning Centre
Associate Principal
| Mrs Shirly Van Zyl
| svanz3@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0337
Business Services Manager
| Ms Faye Nicolau
| fnico5@eq.edu.au
| (07) 4078 0336
To contact any of the DLC staff, please click on the
DLC staff email list link to access staff email addresses, otherwise please call the Diverse Learning Centre on 07 4078 0336 and your call will be directed to the desired staff member.
Johnstone TAFE & Community Children's Centre
| Mrs Kellie O'Connor
| office@innisfailccc.com.au
| (07) 4061 7051