
Indigenous Leaders


Innisfail State College is proud to be a long-time participant in the FNQ region’s Indigenous Leaders program.  

The Indigenous Leaders of the Future (ILF) and Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow (ILT) programs are culturally supported, high expectations, school-based mentoring programs for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in years 5-9 (ILF) and 10-12 (ILT) from urban, rural and remote schools across Far North Queensland.  

The programs give Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students an opportunity to explore and build on their existing cultural identity, leadership qualities and provide them with a greater connection to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures. They gain self-confidence and self-esteem in order to successfully participate and engage in school, community, further study, work force; and graduate as confident, healthy, resilient Australians.  

The program is delivered over three compulsory events in the 2025 school calendar: 1. Mentors PD – 1 day 2. Meet & Greet Cultural Camps – 3 days, 2 nights 3. Sharing for Success – 1 day. School based staff act as mentors, supporting students in participating, planning and organising school based cultural projects and leadership programs throughout the year. 


1. Mentor Professional Development Day – to build on existing capabilities of the mentors to effectively embed the intended key learnings of the program.

2. Cultural Camp - run in partnership with Tinaroo (TEEC), Daradgee (DEEC) & Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centres (HBEEC). Student from participating schools gather to introduce themselves and their cultural identity to other schools. They participate and engage in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island cultural activities delivered by Local Traditional Owners and other relevant stakeholders providing them with a greater connection to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island cultures.

3. Sharing for Success Days – Students gather to present to other schools their school based cultural & leadership project/program throughout the year and present their learning throughout their participation in the ILF or ILT Program. This is great time for students (and mentors) to celebrate the success of reaching the high expectations and achieving the goals they have set. 

Congratulations to the students who have been elected as the 2025 Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow and Indigenous Leaders of the Future.

2025 Indigenous Leaders

Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow (ILT)

Indigenous Leaders of the Future (ILF)

Last reviewed 30 January 2025
Last updated 30 January 2025