Innisfail State College operates a Student Resource Scheme. This scheme provides parents with a convenient and cost effective way to access resources such as textbooks, that their student needs for their education.
Please be aware that additional payments maybe incurred for curriculum fees and other activities. Curriculum fees can include specialised subject fees such as Hospitality, Industrial Arts and VET programs. Other activity fees may include camps, excursions, sporting travel and in the senior years the senior jersey and formal. The
Student Resource Scheme Calculator can assist you in costing student schooling costs.
There are various methods of paying these fees as follows:
Direct Debit - arrangements are made by you with your bank for transfers to the school account. Please see details as follows:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 064 811
Account # 10296754
Reference: Student Name
Payment Plan - please contact the school office to discuss options based on your student's fees. Please see
Payment Plan Agreement provided in the quicklinks.
BPoint - BPoint allows a parent to pay their student invoice directly from home and receive the receipt immediately. The system is linked to our OneSchool system, which means, once the CRN number and the invoice number is entered it automatically links to the school system. The invoices show the CRN number and the invoice number on the bottom left hand side of the document. Please ensure you enter the details exactly as they appear on the invoice.
In Person - You can pay in person at the school office during
school office hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. The school is equipped to take payments in the form of cash, cheque or EFTPOS.
By Mail - Please make cheque/money order payable to Innisfail State College.
Mail to: Innisfail State College
45 Flying Fish Point Road
Innisfail 4860
For any fee enquires please call the school on 4078 0222.
*** Unfortunately, the school does not accept payments sent through BPAY and we are not allowed to take EFTPOS payments over the phone. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.