Guidance Officers are specialist teachers who deliver a broad range of services to the school community. They contribute to the development of a comprehensive student support and wellbeing program that is responsive to the needs of the school community. They work directly with students in addition to working with teachers, support staff, family and other specialists or external support services.
Guidance Officers can help students in several different areas:
- Personal: friends, family, personal relationships
- Academic: subject selection, applying for tertiary courses, improving study skills, managing time, exam preparation and career pathways
- Work: characteristics of jobs, opportunities available, developing a suitable career path, applying for jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships.
Contact details for the Guidance Officers are listed under Key Personnel.
If you have any concerns about your child, a call to the school guidance officer is a good first point of call. Contact details for the Guidance Officers are listed under the Our Staff page.
QGCA Brochure - What Can Guidance Officers Do?

Lynn Gardiner Prags Kalli Jackie McAnulty
Year 7-8 Year 9-10 Year 11-12