


Transitioning into Year 11 – Senior Education and Training Plan (SET) process

Innisfail State College is very proud of the varied pathways students take once they leave school at the end of year 12.  A SET Plan maps out a student's plan of action for his or her education and training through the non-compulsory participation phase of schooling (Year 11 and 12).  This includes a signed agreement outlining roles and responsibilities of all parties.  All students together with a parent must complete a SET Plan meeting before they can commence their senior schooling years.

The transition process has already commenced with students attending a career expo, visiting universities and TAFE, participating in work experience and attending subject talks delivered by Curriculum Heads of Department.

Parents/guardians and students are invited to an open evening on Wednesday 31 July in the library 5:00pm – 6:00pm. This session will provide an opportunity to look at the SET Plan in further detail and meet with subject Heads of Department to discuss subject options.

SET plan meetings commence 5 August and conclude 23 August.  Bookings are made through SOBS (the same as Parent-Teacher interviews).  Students select six subjects for Years 11 and 12.  Please see the below PowerPoint regarding SET planning, QCE/QCIA and ATAR.   A copy of the Senior Subject Guide and Year 11 subject lines 2025 will be sent to both you and your child.  

The timeline for SET Plan interviews is outlined below: 

1. SOBs interview booking for SET Plan interviews opens Monday 29 July at 9am. Bookings can be made via the following link: External link

2. Interviews will start on Monday 5 August from 8:30am. Each interview will be approximately 20 minutes.

3. You must select a Senior Schooling team member: Tanya Martin (Principal), Connie Medley (DP Senior), Emma Haren (HOD Senior), Guidance Officer (Jackie McAnulty), Guidance Officer (Prags Kalli), and then book a time. Parents/guardians and student must be present at the SET Plan meeting.

If you have any questions regarding the SET plan process, please contact either Emma Haren or Connie Medley on 4078 0222.

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SET Planning, QCE & ATAR at Innisfail State College

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Last reviewed 10 July 2024
Last updated 10 July 2024